Today’s ride was a little wild and also my very first time cycling alone in traffic. I ended up going way further than planned, too! 🙂 I started at Two Rivers and took the greenway through Shelby Bottoms to the Nashville Pedestrian Bridge. BUT THEN! On a whim, I Googled Halcyon Bike Shop and ended up cycling through the city clear to the south side!! I flew into the shop on my bike and slammed on the brakes like, “Wuzzup.” They filled all my water bottles, checked my air pressure, and hooked me up with some lights. #HomeAwayFromHome

I left the shop around 5pm – the heat of rush hour. I had to make myself dive into this challenge. This scenario is much more realistic for my bike trip than the greenway… It went REALLY well. Drivers were aware of my presence, saw my hand signals, let me into turn lanes and passed me safely when necessary. It was actually kind of awesome… Even had people say “Hi!” at red lights and whatnot. I absolutely love this city…
Today’s Stats:
Miles: 23.6
Time: 1hr 45 min
Ave. Speed: 14.7
Calories Burned: 1,518

I’m really getting excited about this journey. At the same time, I am realizing just how much progress is still required to be prepared for it. I plan to cycle 50-70 miles per day – and that’s with the weight of my gear. These are unweighted rides. One day at a time. Just gotta keep topping myself and staying focused… Thank you all for believing in me!!! #VeteransUnite #honorthefallen